YouTube Demonetization 2018 India | Adsense Policy Change 2018

YouTube is a dream for most, get famous and make lots of money is what they want. In 2017 quite a few creators have popped-up, and with the advent of  the Jio service, this is true especially in India. But with this access came bad channels, as the creators were uploading content, with no quality in mind, even content with no sense whatsoever.

Now YouTube had a big problem on their hands, how do they sieve out these channels, with bad content, and get the ones with quality content become more visible. They started out with the minimum 10k views, to be eligible for monetization. But the creators seemed to be able to circumvent that, and easily crossed the required borderline as we can say.

Advertisers had enough and were even threatening to  leave the platform, there was even a case where they were against a set of videos that pranked children. Now YouTube wouldn’t want to lose it’s biggest ad revenue generator, so in order to filter out the channels even more they raised the bar to 1000 subscribers, but that was still easy, so how would they cut the cord on the ones that was still posting bad content? They added another caveat , you needed at the very least 4k hours of watch time, in the last year. Now that was something that’s not going to be easy to do.
People had to watch the content completely, even bad content to get enough watch time.  Earlier views were easy, watch a minute and it was counted as a view, but now you needed watch time, which means the user had to watch someone else’s video for the entire duration, for their view to be of any use to the creator. Most people don’t have the time, nor do they want to watch other’s videos. They want their content to also be seen, so i feel these two conditions, might bring down the number of bad channels on YouTube, and improve on the quality of online content available.

Even if you are an old YouTuber, and don’t have the numbers , on February 20th 2018, your channel will be demonetised, until the time you can grow to the required minimum. If you cannot comply, your earnings to date, will be transferred to your account, whatever be the amount. As most of the Smaller channels, were anyway making less than $100 per year, YouTube thought it better to demonetize them. But this would demotivate most new creators from joining YouTube. But for them to protect their eco-system, it was a necessary step, albeit a harsh one. So what do you feel about YouTube’s decision, and what changes would you suggest in YouTube’s thinking. Comment below, we would like to hear your ideas.

Post Author: Vinayak

Self-confessed geek from the days when computer memory was measured in Kilobytes

2 thoughts on “YouTube Demonetization 2018 India | Adsense Policy Change 2018

    Rajashekar Pulla

    (January 28, 2018 - 6:08 pm)

    I want to start a channel but could not get eligible for monetization I want to start a channel regard to plants and their growth you please help me what to do.. I will follow all the conditions


      (January 31, 2018 - 11:42 am)

      please send us a mail at biz at outlining what is the series you have in mind, who would the audience be, etc.

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